Thursday, June 14, 2007

A beginning

I stumbled upon a homeschooling/waldorf blog some time ago ( I think I was looking for inspiration for my seasonal table at the time. I was fascinated by the things I read and followed a few of the blog links on the side and discovered the wonders of craft blogs. After reading them for some time and very occasionally and shyly commenting I thought I might start my own as a way to encourage myself.
I am a knitter and I sew quite a bit though I am largely self taught in both. I am prone to just picking something up and winging it. I started making various dolls since my daughters birth 2 years ago and my crowning achievement was making "Baby Marie" for my Daughter for Yule this past year. I also make my daughters diapers since cloth diapering can be cost prohibitive when you start out. Making diapers for her launched me into making her clothes because I was having difficulty finding some styles of clothing that would fit her bottom while clad in cloth diapers. Now between the dolls I make her, the clothes I sew her and not to mention the sweaters and dresses I knit her she's got more that she needs lol. But still I just can't seem to stop making things.

Currently I am knitting her a lovely cream colored smock style sweater with some sweet cabling and some seedstitch framed diamonds that will eventually have flowers embroidered on them. It's a lovely, girly sweater and as it's knit on size 3 needles it will take me a while which is why I am making it a size larger than she wears now so she will certainly get a lot of wear out of it. I'll post pictures as I finish it. Above is a picture of her on mother's day this year wearing an orange dress I made her in a cotton modal blend yarn, orange is her favorite color.

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