Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Not as good as I wanted....

I recently lucked into a copy of a wonderful book called "Baby Dolls and their Clothes" by Valeria Ferrari. I originally got this book out of the library, fell in love with it's enchanting dolls and went to buy a copy for myself only to find that it was out of print. The cheapest I could find it on Amazon and half.com for a long time was around 70$. I was disappointed because I really liked it but there was NO way I was spending 70.00 on it. One day I happened to randomly type it in on EBay and found it on auction. I ended up getting it for 2.00 and the total with shipping was around 8.00, I was soooo excited. I poured though again and made plans. I finally sat down tonight to make a doll and what I had noticed before became very obvious as I worked. There were few directions and a lot of the technique had to be guessed. I tried making this cute little crawling baby tonight and while it is cute and does resemble the original doll it leaves a lot to be desired. I'd like to chalk it up to it being my first time with the doll, but I really do think it has a lot to do with the fact that there were 3 steps listed in the directions.... 3. I had to guess how she accomplished some of the stuff she didn't explain and I am ok with the results. Not ok enough to post a picture, lol. I am sure my lovely daughter will LOVE it and that in the end is what matters. I have also been making a TON of little "wood and felt Forest folk" for my shop and loving it. They are a lot of fun to make and I have a fun time creating their costumes as I go along. There is no planning, I pick a few colors and just see what happens. So far the yellow and green set are my favorites. My daughter has been requesting a set. I made her some before I had gotten my really nice felt, a bunch with the cheesy acrylic craft felt and decided she deserved some nicer ones. I have 2 out of four done and she is pleased. I can't wait to let her play with them in the morning when the glue is dry.

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